YANBU Cement Plant
/ 2017Preparation of reinforced concrete and steel calculation and application projects of; Cement Silos, Electrostatic Precipitator, Raw Meal Storage Staircase Tower, Preheater, Steel Stack (h = 120 m.), Bypass and Dust Handling, Covered Store, Oil Storage, Unloading Station, Packing and Loading, Sea Water Intake, Sea Water Channels, Water Basins and Pumphouse units .
KCS Kahramanmaras Cement Plant
/ 2017Reinforced concrete, mechanical, steel construction application projects and design studies of the Farin Mill Electro Filter Building, Clinker Cooling Electro Filter Building, Cooling Tower, Coal Mill, Coal Mill Building, Cement Mill Building, Coal Bunker, and Coal Silos.
Batı Anadolu Cement Plant – Coal Homogenization Plant
/ 2017Static calculations reinforced concrete and steel construction application projects of 90m-diameter Closed Stock Hall, Conveyor and Transfer Towers.
Amran Cement Factory
/ 2017Reinforced concrete, steel construction application projects and design studies of the Amran Cement Factory Packaging Unit (17 386 m2) and Filter Support Structures (3 953 m2).
Akçansa Çimento Çanakkale Factory
/ 2017Architectural, reinforced concrete, steel construction and mechanical application projects of the Akçansa Cement Coal Homogenization Facility of Büyükçekmece and Çanakkale Plants. Clinker Stock Hall, Rotary Oven Cooling Unit No. III, Limestone Homogenization Stock Hall, Rotary Kiln By-Pass System, Filter, Filter Carrier Top, Cooling Tower, Silo Carrier Structure, Chimney and Electro Filter Fan, Preheater Building, 1st